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木更津一番街商店街振興組合 Beauty salons

Aikawa Beauty Salon

Shop where orchids bloom all year round

It is a 3-minute walk from Kisarazu Station East Exit,
As an advisor for local customers
Many people are pleased.

Certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare
Up-style instructor

I want to make all women hope to be beautiful
Mei Ushiyama’s Hollywood cosmetics !! Facial massage ¥ 2,000
With Milbon products that are kind to hair
For sensitive skin, perm and hair color are safe!
Clean the scalp with an oil massage!
Clogged pores can be removed at once! Relax your body and soul!
Cleansing oil scalp massage ¥ 2,000

store information

Store nameAikawa Beauty Salon
Address 〒292-0805
2-2-4 Yamato, Kisarazu, Chiba
business hours8:30~18:00
Regular holidayTuesday, 3rd Monday

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