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きよみ台商店街振興会 Household goods, daily necessities

Cosmetics and beauty shop Sharon

A cosmetic and skin specialty store "Syaron" ♪

【Handling manufacturer】
Albion, Ignis, Cosme de Corte, Kose, Predia, Shiseido, Kanebo, Resurge

【method of payment】
VISA, MasterCard, JCB, AMEX, DinerClub, Aeon, PayPay, LINE Pay, Origami Pay, Aquacoin, UnionPay, Ali Pay, We Chat Pay, WAON, nanaco, Suica, etc …

※ Shopping is OK with gift cards and department store gift certificates!

store information

Store nameCosmetics and beauty shop Sharon
Address 〒292-0045
2-6-21 Kiyomidai, Kisarazu, Chiba
business hours10:00~20:00
Regular holidaySunday holiday

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