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木更津一番街商店街振興組合 Sushi, Japanese-set meal


Please appreciate the delicious cutlet!

Deep-fried oil is used to scorch the surface and confine the meat juice, so it is not a tasty tonkatsu unless the meat is greasy and the taste is refreshing.

Kisarazu product clam croquette set 1,260 yen
Aji fried set meal from Boshu 930 yen
Futtsu conger fried set meal 1,260 yen
Fried set meal of farm-fresh vegetables 860 yen

We have a lot of them.

store information

Store nameTonton-tei
Address 〒292-0805
2-1-12 Yamato, Kisarazu, Chiba
business hours11:30~15:00
Regular holidayThursday

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